Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Scott Agnew - Pride (In The Name of Love)

My mate Scott Agnew (Scottish Comedian of the Year 2008, and a finalist in 2010's 'Take The Mic' competition) e-mailed me on Friday night, in a terribly panicked state. He explained to me that his Edinburgh Fringe show, "Pride (In The Name of Love)" was due to start on Wednesday (which is tonight!), and that his usual graphic designer had been rendered unavailable due to a family emergency which required him to return home with all due haste.

This unfortunate turn of events left Scott in the unhappy, and quite stressful position of having a month long run starting in less than a week, but having no flyers with which to publicise his grand comedic opus! He then asked if I could perhaps step into the breach and provide him with a rush job over the weekend, which I duly agreed to do. He roughly explained the motivation behind the idea he and his other designer had been working on, and left me to interpret it in my own way.

A few hours later, I'd produced what you see above. He seemed to be very pleased with them, so much so that he asked me to scale up the design for an A3 poster, because the venue were giving him a hard time about not having any.

Cutting to the end of the story, after a lot of worrying on my part about whether or not the flyers would turn out as well in printed form as they looked on screen, I have just recently been informed that they have turned out brilliantly, and are currently being disseminated to the great and the good of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe scene as we speak! WOOP!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

GTA: No Mean CityPackaging


Nat King, FiFi LaShay and LaFayette "Thuggs" Velvet have invaded Springburn!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The car in front is a Toyota...

...because the brakes don't work!

Monday, March 15, 2010

More random pisstakes.

Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far

A university brief for Digital Media. We've to produce a 5 scene animation based on the concept of "Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far", inspired by the work of Stefan Sagmeister. Basically, we've to take 5 things we've learned in the course of our lives, and interpret them either visually or typographically.

I'm no typographer, so I chose to illustrate the statements visually.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

GTA: No Mean City

We've got our second semester briefs out for Graphics & Illustration. Most of them were as dull as ditchwater, but one did stand out from the rest. It's a character and environment design brief for a prospective computer game from Rockstar North in much the same vein as the Grand Theft Auto series.

We've to design three characters - one black, late 20's male, one white late 20's male, and one white early 20's female. There are no limitations on the format of the game, as long as its set in a European style city, and is somewhat in keeping with GTA. To that end, I've made the decision to base the backstory for my characters in Glasgow, and the location designs on the city's iconic Victorian architecture. I've also decided to make it an additional entry into the Grand Theft Auto series of games, and have given it the working title of Grand Theft Auto: No Mean City, a reference to a well known book about Glasgow gang culture.

In keeping with the frequently over the top, nigh on idiotic storylines of the GTA series, this game focuses on the life of the unlikely named FiFi La Shay, a professional car thief from Possil, who steals Skoda Octavia's which she then sells to the lead black character, the similarly stupidly named LaFayette "Thuggs" Velvet, a former gangbanger from NYC who got out of dodge when Rudy Giuliani started cleaning that city up, he's since relocated to Glasgow, and set up a chopshop near the Barras.

As you can tell from the description above, I'm not taking this entirely seriously, mainly because I'm no illustrator, but I'm trying to bring a bit of fun and perhaps even some satirical cheek to the style of the game, instead of playing it straight.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Briggait

Poster Design

Brochure Layouts

Website Layouts


Logos, Logos, Logos