Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Bankers' Playground

These are the layout visuals for my Digital Media project, whereby we've to produce a 3 scene flash animation on a subject of our choice. The only stipulations that we have to strictly adhere to is the use of collage and the use of "hybrid creatures" in our animations.

I've decided to do something based around the credit crunch, depicting the causes, effects, and our esteemed governments' £700 billion solution to the problem. As you can see, these images already take the form of digital collage, and the flying pigs pretty much fit the dictionary definition of a hybrid creature.

The first image shows the land of plenty, depicting the bankers greed that caused the credit crunch, and also their seeming belief that money grow on trees, something which is about as likely as pigs flying.

The second image shows the effects of the credit crunch, here in the form of a ravaged cityscape in flames, liberally strewn with the RBS, HBOS and Northern Rock logos, while Sir Fred Goodwin fiddles in the foreground.

Finally, the third image shows my interpretation of the governments' solution to the credit crunch by depicting Gordon Brown as a Fairy Godmother and Alistair Darling as Tinkerbell, busily dropping off £700 billion in public money to rescue the bankers from a trip to their nearest Jobcentre.