Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I haven't blogged in forever, but I'm back...

MG TF relaunch - this isn't quite original, as I saw something very similar on SniffPetrol a few months ago, but I thought I'd go for a more professional, polished looking take on the same subject matter. Joke car adverts are pretty much my main stock-in-trade, so you can expect to see a fair amount of them...

Auto Express - I threw this together as a pisstake of how hilariously inaccurate Auto Express usually is with its reporting of car related "news". Sometimes I think they just make shit up when they're having a slow news day....

Men's Health: Clearly the most heterosexually inclined magazine anywhere on God's green Earth!

All Graphic Designers should be FORCED to sign this pledge at gunpoint!

My take on the advertising for District 9, suitably altered to suit my locality.

This is just me revisiting a brief we tackled during the first year of my Graphic Design course. I may post my original interpretation of the brief at some later date. In fact, I might post everything I produced on the course - well, all the stuff I actually liked...

Auntie Mame - I decided to come up with this, cos I loved the movie, and I wanted to see what I could do with the theme of 50's style artwork - I don't think it came out too badly.

Ah.... British Leyland, quite possibly the worst car company ever to have graced us with its sheer incompetence. This poster came from the idea of marrying the classic "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" propaganda poster from WW2 with some of my acerbic wit, and barely concealed hatred for all things Leyland.

This is actually VERY mild by my standards, at least when it comes to Leyland products. I'm usually a lot more vicious, as you'll probably see over the course of this blog, in the fullness of time.